Sunday, May 27, 2007

Not another indie band...

...So they're everywhere!

Brisbane seems to have been inundated with indie bands lately. A thought that wakes me in the night in a cold sweat. For where will they all go and just how many will drift away from our fair city?

Although this blog is not a research blog - they're coming i swear - i was reminded tonight of a Mod party that i graced with my presence a few weeks back. The alcohol flowed and the music cranked, very casual with an unusual mix of subcultures all conforming to the Mod style for this one evening. I got chatting to a guy in a band, that i now can't recall the name of, about scenes and Brisbane and surprisingly this assignment. He, in all his wisdom, maintained that the idea of scene itself was cyclic in nature, "Scene: Necessity or Ineccessity." And i quite agree with him. You need to be involved in your desired scene to get a foot in the door, but the level of your commitment to the specific scene does not always guarantee the same level of success.

In summation, the party was good, to be in a indie band you must be prepared for knockback after knockback, and scenes continually vary as they cannot always be defined by the subcultures that frequent them.

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